Our hope is to form missionary disciples who encounter Jesus Christ in the poor, particularly the homeless and the lonely. A life of prayer, fellowship, and ministry of presence form us into men and women of encounter who know, love, and serve God in the poor. 

We are a ministry of presence, which means that we address our neighbor's poverty of loneliness by offering the gift of relationship, no strings attached. Multiple days a week, missionaries walk the streets of Boston and befriend those we meet along the way. As these friendships grow, we accompany our neighbors however we can — visiting them in the hospital, helping them prepare for winter, painting together in the Public Garden. But most of all, we listen. We listen and then carry our friends' stories in our hearts, trusting that God will do the deep work of healing and saving. 


We prioritize prayer through practices like lectio divina, the Rosary, and spiritual retreats. 


We cultivate fellowship through our street teams, mission trips, and Encounter houses. 

Street Ministry

Every week, we walk the streets of Boston to cultivate friendships with whomever we meet.